
This has become my morning coffee. That which serves to stir the synapses and provoke thoughts. Not all my thoughts are sunny and optimistic, altho I do make an attempt to be always optimistic. I have doubts and fears that are rarely expressed in words and to few. I dont aspire to have many readers here, this is just the place of catharsis.  There are days that I think I’d be better served with a tinfoil hat hiding in a dark room.  There are days that I feel absolutely alone.  There are days that I feel that I have been abandoned by the universe.  But, then, there is always someone who has a smile, a  thought, a word, a touch and equilibrium is restored.  It has only been when I truly isolated myself that I spun completely out of control and spiraled downward.  There is always someone…..look for them. Sometimes they are disguised and must be carefully sought, but they are there. Even for me.

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